Welcome! This is Qian (Joe) Wu / 吴骞.

I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Statistics
at the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics.
I received my PhD in Economics from the University of Missouri in July 2023.

My primary interests in econometrics include multiple testing, frequentist and Bayesian comparisons,
and the refinement of econometric models with an ordinal outcome variable.
I am also interested in applied microeconomics,
particularly in health economics, development economics, and rural economics.


Working Papers

  • Multiple Testing of Ordinal Stochastic Monotonicity

    2023; submitted
    (with David M. Kaplan)

    paper | code/tex/etc.
    Where is Y "increasing" in X in the distributional sense of stochastic monotonicity? We propose and justify an FWER-controlling multiple testing procedure, which can also be inverted into confidence sets. We apply this to study the relationship between mental health and education.

  • Ordinal Decomposition: Methods and Application to Mental Health Disparities

    2023; to submit soon
    (with David M. Kaplan)

    paper | code/tex/etc.
    The famous Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition (BOD) takes an unconditional mean difference and decomposes it into a portion that is assigned to the levels of explanatory variables and a portion that is related to the magnitude of regression coefficients. However, the conventional BOD assumes Y has a cardinal meaning, not ordinal. To address this limitation and facilitate decomposition analysis of ordinal outcomes, we compare several alternative approaches.

Work in Progress

  • Bayesian Inference on Ordinal Stochastic Monotonicity


  • Intermediate Econometrics (master level), Spring 2024

  • Introductory Econometrics (undergraduate level)


Email: wuqj@swufe.edu.cn

Address: Chengzheng Building #1303,
School of Statistics,
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,
555 Liutai Avenue, Wenjiang District,
Chengdu, Sichuan, China 611130